

R. McGeddon

It's the end of term and Sam and Arty are anxiously awaiting the final bell. They barely pay attention when the bumbling science teacher causes an explosion and accidentally covers one of the pupils with a strange goo. Sam and Arty are sure it won't be serious - stuff like this happens all the time at their school.

But then zombies (and bits of zombies) start turning up desperate to munch on braaaaaaaiiiins! With a bunch of useless adults quickly getting themselves infected instead of sorting the situation out Sam Arty and their fearless friend Emmie have to take charge.

If they can't find a cure they'll be zombie breakfast . . .


  • Classification : SFF (Science Fiction & Fantasy)
  • Pub Date : MAR 7, 2014
  • Imprint : Little, Brown
  • Page Extent : 192
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780349001753
  • Price : INR 375

R. McGeddon

R. McGeddon is absolutely sure the world is almost certainly going to probably end very soon. A strange reclusive fellow - so reclusive in fact that no one has ever seen him not even his mum - he plots his stories using letters cut from old newspapers then posts them to award-winning author Barry Hutchison to type up. Barry is not entirely sure why he has been chosen but he considers it his duty to get R. McGeddon's apocalyptic tales out there. Also he's too scared to say no.

The suspiciously happy award-winning illustrator Jamie Littler hails from the mysterious mythical southern lands of England. It is said that the only form of nourishment he needs is to draw which he does on a constant basis. This could explain why his hair grows so fast. When he is not drawing which is a rare thing indeed he spends time trying to find the drawing pen he just lost. He is down to his lst one. As the sole survivor of the 2008 Tiki Mutant Jellyfish Disaster Jamie is considered a prime candidate to illustrate the Disaster Diaries.

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R. McGeddon

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