
Tales From The South China Seas

Charles Allen

This work chronicles the adventures of the last generation of British men and women who went East to seek their fortunes. Drawn into the colonial territories scattered around the South China Sea, they found themselves in an exotic, intoxicating world. It was a land of rickshaws and shanghai jars, sampans and Straits Steamers, set against a background of palm-fringed beaches and tropical rain-forests. But it was also a world of conflicting beliefs and many races, where the overlapping of widely differing moral standards and viewpoints created a heady and dangerous atmosphere.

  • Classification : History
  • Pub Date : JUL 6, 2000
  • Imprint : Abacus
  • Page Extent : 320
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780349104997
  • Price : INR 699

Charles Allen

Charles Allen is the author of a number of bestselling books about India, including Plain Tales from the Raj, Kipling Sahib, Ashoka and Coromandel. A traveller, historian and master storyteller, his books, which draw on detailed research, are a testament to a life spent uncovering the stories of the land of his birth. His lasting legacy lies in a series of books about British involvement in India, and the people whose scholarship helped trace the past of the subcontinent and discovered the common root of Indian and European languages. He died in 2020, leaving Aryans, close to completion, with his dear friend David Loyn, who has edited the book.

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