
The Handsome Man's De Luxe Café

Alexander McCall Smith


The one with Mma Makutsi's ambitious plan . . .

Change is afoot at the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency when Mma Makutsi arrives with a business plan for its proprietress, as well as an outline of her new venture: the Handsome Man's De Luxe Cafe. In the course of one turbulent day, the agency gains a dubiously qualified Assistant Detective and takes on the challenge of identifying a lady with no name and no memory. But when Mma Makutsi's entrepreneurial future comes under threat, Charlie is led astray and Violet Sephotho turns restaurant critic, only Mma Ramotswe's infallible instincts can transform disruption into a force for good.

  • Classification : General & Literary Fiction
  • Pub Date : MAY 7, 2015
  • Imprint : Abacus
  • Page Extent : 256
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780349139296
  • Price : INR 599

Alexander McCall Smith

Alexander McCall Smith is the author of over one hundred books on a wide array of subjects, including the award-winning The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. He is also the author of the Isabel Dalhousie novels and the world's longest-running serial novel, 44 Scotland Street. His books have been translated into forty-six languages. Alexander McCall Smith is Professor Emeritus of Medical Law at the University of Edinburgh and holds honorary doctorates from thirteen universities. He was knighted by the King in 2024.

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