
The Invisible Man

Ben Dunn

H.G. Wells

Joeming Dunn

  • Classification : Others
  • Pub Date : MAR 25, 2010
  • Imprint : Franklin Watts
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9780749695538
  • Price : INR 699

Ben Dunn


H.G. Wells

H.G. Wells was born in Bromley Kent in 1866. After working as a draper's apprentice and pupil-teacher he won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science in 1884 studying under T. H. Huxley. He was awarded a first-class honours degree in biology and resumed teaching but had to retire after a kick from an ill-natured pupil afflicted his kidneys. He worked in poverty in London as a crammer while experimenting in journalism and stories. It was with THE TIME MACHINE (1895) that he had his real breakthrough.


Joeming Dunn

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