
The Pretty Committee Strikes Back

Lisi Harrison

Meet The Clique, the five girls who rule Octavian Country Day School . . .

There’s Massie, with her glossy bob and laser-whitened smile, uncontested leader of the Clique. Dylan, second in command, spends her time sucking up to Massie. Alicia, as sneaky as she is beautiful, wants to be leader of the group one day - and she just might. Then there’s Kristen, smart, hardworking, who doesn’t suffer fools gladly. And Claire, in by the skin of her teeth, is the newest member of The Clique - but has swapping her hand-me-down clothes for Chanel No. 19 really solved all her problems?

Apparently not. When the girls at pack up their warmest cashmere coats for a trip to Lake Placid, they discover that bears aren’t the only scary things in the woods. The Briarwood boys are staying in a cabin way to close for comfort - and it’s up to Massie’s Underground Clinic for Kissing (MUCK) to save immaculately-made-up face . . .

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  • Classification : Women's Commercial & Chick-lit
  • Pub Date : APR 2, 2009
  • Imprint : Piatkus
  • Page Extent : 272
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780749941970
  • Price : INR 520

Lisi Harrison

Lisi Harrison is the author of The Clique Alphas and Monster High series. She was the Senior Director of Production Development at MTV and Head Writer for MTV Production. Lisi is currently pretending to write her next novel.

Lisi lives in Laguna Beach California.

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