The Viking Life series explores the everyday lives of people who lived during the Viking era. This title looks at how clothes were made and worn in Viking times, examines why jewellery was so important and how accessories such as belts were used.
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly
Liz Gogerly