
Busty, Slag and Nob End

Russell Ash

Building on the phenomenal success of POTTY FARTWELL AND KNOB this new collection of extraordinary but true names goes a step further...

In BUSTY SLAG AND NOB END Russell Ash has compiled real names from around the world that are really rude and are of places and products as well as people. The result of painstaking research each name has been thoroughly checked and authenticated: you will marvel at the range of naughty nomenclature and hoot at the unwitting innuendo. From Harriet Nicewonger (born Derbyshire c.1876) and Connie Lingus (resident of Indiana USA) to Dick Swinger (born Switzerland c.1842) and Blo Job (US immigrant from Slovakia born c.1897); from Titty Ho in Northamptonshire to Dildo in Newfoundland; and from Cock Soup to Pee Cola - this compendium of sauciness is guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.


  • Classification : Humour
  • Pub Date : OCT 1, 2010
  • Imprint : Headline
  • Page Extent : 336
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780755318711
  • Price : INR 375

Russell Ash

Russell Ash has written and contributed to over 100 successful books including over 20 years of Top 10 of Everything Whitaker's World of Facts Great Wonders of the World The Impressionists and their Art and Tall Stories. He is regularly featured on TV and radio.

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