
Blood Orchid:The High-Anticipated Sequel To The Scarlet Alchemist!

Kylie Lee Baker

Since Zilan entered the world of royal alchemists, she has learned that alchemy comes at a price. She has lost loved ones in her search for justice against the evil Empress and all she wants now is to find some way to bring them back. Resurrection is her specialty, after all. In search of the myth of Penglai Island, where it's rumoured life can be fully restored, Zilan starts a new adventure. But when old threats come back to haunt her and the path to Penglai Island means facing down unpredictable, sometimes dangerous, alchemists, she wonders just how high of a price she may be willing to pay. . .

  • Classification : SFF (Science Fiction & Fantasy)
  • Pub Date : OCT 1, 2024
  • Imprint : Hodderscape
  • Page Extent : 400
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781399723343
  • Price : INR 1,350

Kylie Lee Baker

Unless you are Asian, you cannot know the terror and anger we felt during COVID times - but Bat Eater will get you pretty close. Body horror and female rage fiction combine in a powerful novel that will leave you quaking. There has never been a hungry ghost like the one in Bat Eater

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