Sandra Roycroft-Davis
Sandra Roycroft-Davis, DipCogHyp, MPNLP, HPD, is a Harley Street weight loss and behavioural change specialist, who founded and created the highly-successful Slimpod programme. Sandra has a deep personal knowledge of the problems of being overweight; as a teenager, she was bullied at school and called Miss Piggy. Fourteen years ago she put her unique weight loss method online, so far empowering more than 300,000 people worldwide to create a new relationship with food. Sandra commissioned the world's first clinical trials into the use of unconscious persuasion for weight loss, and presented the results at the annual conference of the British Journal of General Practice and to public healthcare conferences in Dubai, Milan and Prague. Sandra worked with Tameside NHS in Manchester to create the UK's first sugar-free hospital restaurant, helping them to win a coveted NHS award. She has appeared in Channel 4's How To Lose Weight Well series, on an ITV Tonight special, and features regularly in newspapers and magazines.