
The Little Book of Easter

Arthur Howells

A beautiful gift anthology for the season of Easter with material from Tom Wright, Timothy Radcliffe, Basil Hume, Rowan Williams, Brian McLaren, Paula Gooder, Henri Nouwen, Desmond Tutu, Maria Boulding. This delightful collection is the perfect gift for the Lenten season. Beginning with Palm Sunday and Holy Week, right through the seven weeks of Easter until the great feast of Pentecost, Canon Arthur Howells provides a portion of scripture, a short extract from an inspirational Christian book, and a prayer for each day. Drawing wisdom from across the tradition of the Church, The Little Book of Easter includes writing from Desmond Tutu, C. S. Lewis, Henri Nouwen and William Temple alongside voices such as Eugene Peterson, Paula Gooder, Tom Wright and Maggi Dawn. We're familiar with Lent as a time to deepen our prayer lives, but less aware of Easter as a season that can be savoured in this way. These collected writings will be a gift for anyone looking to continue their spiritual journey during this time of celebration, and explore the wisdom of the Church in greater depth. Previously published as An Easter Anthology.

  • Classification : Religion
  • Pub Date : JAN 9, 2025
  • Imprint : Hodder Faith
  • Page Extent : 288
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781399807159
  • Price : INR 799

Arthur Howells

Canon Arthur Howells is a retired Anglican priest who has served all his ministry in the Church in Wales. He is married to Margaret and they live in Swansea. Formerly Canon Residentiary and Chancellor of Brecon Cathedral, he was Canon Missioner for the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon for ten years prior to his appointment as Vicar of St James' Swansea. He has previously compiled an Advent anthology, The Little Book of Advent and three Lent anthologies - A Lent Companion, Generous Love and A Little Book of Lent.

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