
A To Z Of Everything, 5th Edition

Trevor Montague

Now in its fifth edition, the bestselling A to Z of Everything continues its quest to fascinate, inform, surprise and entertain. This unique publication and monumental work of reference has become a must-have for any bookshelf, often cited as the arbiter in the settling of family disputes, always to be relied upon for a nugget of information on practically any subject of human endeavour.

Nothing as comprehensive has appeared before. With subjects from Abbreviations to the Zodiac, some of the book's sections would stand up as reference works in their own right.

In this new edition, the original topics have been brought up to date and added to while eclectic new additions range from Beers of the World and Heads of State to Internet Top Level Domains and Cabinet Members through the Ages!

  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : NOV 7, 2010
  • Imprint : Little, Brown
  • Page Extent : 1360
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781408702772
  • Price : INR 2,299

Trevor Montague

Trevor Montague has appeared on and won many TV quiz shows. The A TO Z OF EVERYTHING is a labour of love and the fruit of many years' work.

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