
Mindbending Sudoku: Flash

James Pitts

Mindbending Sudoku is a short, simple and no-fuss little book which contains not just puzzles of all levels, but hints and tips on how to solve them. Easy to fit in a pocket or bag, and great for travelling, it contains all the puzzler needs, especially if you're looking for some extra help with the tricky ones! At just 96pp, it is ideal for anyone who's new to the concept, but keen to sharpen their skills - and their brain.

fairly easy puzzles
rather difficult puzzles
fiendishly hard puzzles
something for everyone!

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  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : APR 29, 2011
  • Imprint : John Murray
  • Page Extent : 96
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781444136555
  • Price : INR 399

James Pitts

James Pitts is a computer scientist website compiler and self-confessed Sudoku addict.

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