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101 Ways To Brush Your Teeth

Imogen Foster

Big teeth, small teeth, wonky teeth and chompy teeth. You can brush your teeth almost anywhere and doing anything! You can brush them balancing on one leg like a pink flamingo. You can brush them with a pal, like a crocodile. You can brush them while you ROAR like a lion. There are 101 ways to brush your teeth packed into the pages of this funny and totally ridiculous but REALLY helpful book. With tips on how to brush your teeth and fun facts about animals' real teeth throughout, this book will help help little readers get their teeth sparkling.

  • Classification : Picture Books
  • Pub Date : MAR 27, 2025
  • Imprint : Hodder Children's Books
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781444972924
  • Price : INR 499

Imogen Foster

Imogen Foster (Author) Imogen Foster is a children's author living in London. When she's not writing, you can find her out running or playing with her beloved pet cat. Tony Neal (Illustrator) Tony Neal is a graphic artist and illustrator from South Leicestershire, England. Tony is inspired by everyday life and the quirky details that surround us. He loves to create charming characters in whimsical scenes and telling stories with his pictures.

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