
My Community and Media

Ben Hubbard

Become a sensible informed digital citizen with this handy guide

The internet connects people from all over the world and provides a great place to share our interests. But clever digital citizens are careful and smart about socialising online making sure they enjoy it safely.

The Internet can be a fun creative collaborative place to share learn and experience the world and connect with all kinds of people. But being a good digital citizen comes with responsibilities and advisories. These books will help children aged 7+ navigate this sophisticated and ever-changing form of communication.


  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : OCT 11, 2018
  • Imprint : Franklin Watts
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781445161594
  • Price : INR 899

Ben Hubbard

Ben Hubbard began his writing career at a what's-on newspaper in the 1990s, interviewing bands, actors and artists in his native Wellington, New Zealand. He later joined the fast-paced world of daily newspaper journalism before packing up shop and moving to England. Here, Ben tied a number of new strings to his bow: magazine editor, book editor, and finally, author. Today, Ben writes a mix of non-fiction for all ages - preschoolers through to adults. He has penned titles on an eclectic subject range: from space exploration, samurai warriors and medieval castles; to pop music, pets, tornadoes and rugby skills.

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