
The Hodder Bible Commentary: Luke

David Peterson

There are many ways to be lost in life, but the most serious is to be lost to God. Luke's Gospel introduces us to the people who met Jesus, understood his message, and experienced his saving power. David Peterson's commentary shows us how we might have a better understanding of the significance of Jesus for ourselves, grasp hold of the salvation he offers, and be faithful disciples in our different world contexts today. The Hodder Bible Commentary is a comprehensive 50-volume Bible commentary series. Doctrinally sensitive and globally aware, its goal is to encourage a deepened knowledge and understanding of Scripture. About the Hodder Bible Commentary: Accessible and insightful expository commentary explores the timeless message of the Bible and applies it to the challenges of today's world. Written by a range of authors and supported by consultant editors from around the world, it represents a diversity of church and cultural contexts. With the full text of the NIV Bible interspersed with the commentary for easy reference, this series is ideal for preaching, teaching and personal study.

  • Classification : Religion & Philosophy
  • Pub Date : JUL 18, 2024
  • Imprint : Hodder Faith & Religious
  • Page Extent : 464
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781473695016
  • Price : INR 1,850

David Peterson

David G. Peterson teaches at Cornhill Sydney and Moore College in Sydney, Australia. Formerly Principal of Oak Hill Theological College in London, he is the author of commentaries on Romans (BTCP), Hebrews (Tyndale) and Acts (Pillar), and other books including Engaging with God (a biblical theology of worship) and Possessed by God: A New Testament Theology of Sanctification and Holiness (NSBT).

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