Get to know more than 20 crucial art history innovators and experience how art meets science, from cave paintings to today's advanced tech - then discover their incredible techniques for yourself through 18 different art crafting activities!
In Art Alive! with Science, award-winning author Mary Auld explores moments from art history that have expanded our understanding of the way things work, such as the beautiful balance of forces in kinetic sculpture, the interplay of light and shadow in painting and puppetry and how Op Art tricks our brains and plays with our senses. Playful illustrations by Sue Downing appear alongside photos of each artist's work, perfect for drawing in readers age 8 and up. Following each case study, there is a creative project that applies the science learning to the reader's own art practice.
Artists and science topics include: Anatomy with Myron's Discobolus (Discus Thrower); Flight with Leonardo da Vinci; Light with Caravaggio's chiaroscuro & wayang kulit shadow puppetry; Colour with expressionism & pointillism; Sound with Paul Klee's Polyphony; Forces with Alexander Calder; Materials with Anish Kapoor; Chemistry with Cai Guo-Qiang's explosion events ... and many more!
Mary Auld (Author) Mary Auld is a writer of children's information books, working over a broad range of subjects. She has been actively involved in music from an early age, both singing and playing the flute, on an amateur basis. She loves making music in a group, be that in an orchestra or a choir. Whether making music or writing children's books, her aim is to share her enthusiasm and inspire readers. Mary Auld is a pen name for Rachel Cooke, who is an honorary fellow of the English Association, in recognition of her editorial work in children's non-fiction. Sernur Isik (Illustrator) Istanbul based illustrator and designer, Senur Isik specialises in children's books and all things lovely. She studied Graphic Design at Ataturk University Faculty of Fine Arts, then worked as an illustrator for a company in Istanbul specialising in content for children's TV. Later, she worked as the Visual Art Director and Character Designer for a Theme Park in Istanbul. In 2014 she was chosen for the Pictoplasma Academy in Berlin, where she studied character design. Since 2002, she has been working with publishers around the world, illustrating children's books. She also creates little sculptures of her characters using clay and ceramics and is currently exhibiting, mainly in USA. She travels with a passion around the world, creating new characters and stories about places she's been to.
Mary Auld
Ingrid Swenson
Mary Auld
Mary Auld
Mary Auld
Ingrid Swenson
Mary Auld
Mary Auld
Mary Auld
Ingrid Swenson