
Science Makes Art: Energy

Andrew Charman

Understand the science of the world around you by making art Can you tell the difference between kinetic, stored and chemical energy? This book will help you to work like a scientist: testing ideas, making investigations and doing experiments. But you'll also be an artist, using different kinds of energy to make art, including wind, water, heat and light. Sound good? What are you waiting for? Science Makes Art skilfully blends science theory with fun art projects to encourage learning and creativity. It's the perfect series to introduce key science principles and for cross-curricular and topic-based learning. Using materials from around the home, make art projects such as: - Paint pendulums - Wind-powered dancer - Heat mobiles - Moving sea pictures - A solar pizza oven Contents: Equipment and Materials/ What is Energy?/ Chemical Energy/ Kinetic Energy/ Stored Energy/ Electrical Energy/ Renewable Energy/ Transferring Energy/Heat Energy/ Light Energy/ Sound Energy/ Further Ideas/ Glossary/ Index Ideal for readers age 8+. Collect the rest of the series: Colour, Flight, Light, Materials, Movement.

  • Classification : Science & Technology
  • Pub Date : JAN 9, 2025
  • Imprint : Wayland
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781526326355
  • Price : INR 1,050

Andrew Charman

Andrew Charman (Author) Andrew Charman has written more than 50 books for young children. He lives in Wales with his wife and son. Ali Ardington (Illustrator) Ali Ardington is a children's book illustrator, designer and author from Oxfordshire. Her childhood was spent with either her nose in a book, or a pencil in hand creating funny monsters that could gobble up her twin brother. Her love for illustration and reading led her happily into children's publishing and she now works on a wide range of books, from picture books to non-fiction and novelty. As busy as she is, juggling kids, spaniels and life, she still always finds time to doodle the odd monster eating brother, for old times' sake.

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