
Great Scientists: Nicolaus Copernicus

Anna Baker

Anna Baker

Nicolaus Copernicus tells the story of this key scientific figure - covering his origins as the son of a merchant through his education in Poland and Italy, his work in astronomy and mathematics, the development of his theories about the Universe and his legacy today. For children working through book bands, it is suitable for those reading at book band 13: grey.

Great Scientists
are first biographies introducing some of the world's great scientists, simply retelling their lives and explaining why their work was important. Perfect for children aged 7 plus. Each book has been book banded and includes a quiz at the end to test what has been learned.

  • Classification : Sciences
  • Pub Date : NOV 14, 2024
  • Imprint : Wayland
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781526326522
  • Price : INR 1,050

Anna Baker

Anna Baker (Author) Anna Baker has an enduring interest in history, the natural world and many other topics, which has made her work as an editor and writer of children's information books endlessly fascinating. Alexandra Badiu (Illustrator) Alexandra Badiu is a Romanian children's book illustrator and creative director for animation, currently living in Turkey.


Anna Baker

Anna Baker (Author) Anna Baker has an enduring interest in history, the natural world and many other topics, which has made her work as an editor and writer of children's information books endlessly fascinating. Alexandra Badiu (Illustrator) Alexandra Badiu is a Romanian children's book illustrator and creative director for animation, currently living in Turkey.

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