
Plant Fun: Clever Cacti

Susie Williams

Produced in partnership with the RHS, this brightly coloured, fun book for young children tells all about cactuses! Clever cacti are amazing. They can be different shapes and colours, from green, red or blue to rounded or tall, smooth or furry! They can survive with little water in deserts and dry places. They are home for many different animals. Find out more about these unusual and clever plants, with their sharp spines and thick ridged skin then do the fun step-by-step craft activity at the back of the book. Illustrated by Hannah Tolson with her bold and colourful style that will catch and keep children's attention! Helping children to learn about plants and the natural world, the Plant Fun series connects children to the natural world. Covers topics such as plant growth, habitats and life cycles, perfect for children aged 5+. Read the other titles in the series: Fruitful Flowers, Super Seeds, Tremendous Trees

  • Classification : Natural History, Environment & Conservation
  • Pub Date : JAN 9, 2025
  • Imprint : Wayland
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781526328700
  • Price : INR 1,050

Susie Williams

Susie Williams (Author) Susie Williams is children's non-fiction editor and author. She aims to inspire children to be interested in and curious about the world around them. Hannah Tolson (Illustrator) Hannah is a freelance illustrator. She has previously studied at Leeds College of Art and Falmouth University, gaining her degree in Illustration in 2013. She has since worked with a variety of publishers worldwide.

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