
How To Talk To Your Pet

James Greenwood

Discover how to talk to your pet, with vet and star of Channel 4's Fur Babies and CBBC's The Pets Factor, Dr James Greenwood. What does it mean when a dog's tail wags round and round like a helicopter? What is a cat is trying to say when its ears are pricked up? And what on earth is a rabbit trying to tell you when it eats its own poo? From cats and dogs to horses, hamsters, rabbits and more, animals all have something to say. Learn how to read the clues your pet is trying to give you, find out what they need, and discover how to communicate with them, too! Buzzing with brilliant facts and packed with hilarious illustrations, this pet companion book is the perfect gift for young animal-lovers.

  • Classification : Animal Stories
  • Pub Date : APR 10, 2025
  • Imprint : Wren & Rook
  • Page Extent : 240
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781526366399
  • Price : INR 799

James Greenwood

James Greenwood (Author) Dr. James Greenwood is a practising vet and star of numerous TV shows, including CBBC's BAFTA-nominated The Pets Factor, Channel 4's Fur Babies, as well as being resident vet on BBC One's flagship show, Morning Live. His warmth, expert knowledge and passionate advocacy for animal welfare has endeared him to a wide audience of animal lovers across the country. His mission now is to inspire the younger generation of pet owners to understand the needs and wants of their pets, and to explore how we can live alongside animals and give them the respect and love that they deserve. Jack Viant (Illustrator) Jack Viant is an illustrator and designer from the land of Plymouth, UK. Jack is inspired by cartoons, picture books, packaging, toys and advertising campaigns aimed at children. Jack was a 90's kid so he grew up with angular cartoons, absurd characters, and even more ridiculous storylines and so he tries to bring an element of this into his work. He likes to work up sketches with a good old fashioned mechanical pencil or uni-ball pen, from there, he crafts his images digitally using a mixture of software, machines and coffee. Jack wants to connect with adults and children through his work, teaching valuable lessons, bringing joy where possible and always channeling the ridiculous.

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