
The Complex PTSD Workbook

Arielle Schwartz

Those affected by complex PTSD commonly feel as though there is something fundamentally wrong with them - that somewhere inside there is a part of them that needs to be fixed. Though untrue such beliefs can feel extremely real and frightening. Difficult as it may be facing one's PTSD from unresolved childhood trauma is a brave courageous act - and with the right guidance healing from PTSD is possible.

Clinical psychologist Dr Arielle Schwartz has spent years helping those with C-PTSD find their way to wholeness. She also knows the territory of the healing firsthand having walked it herself. This book provides a map to the complicated and often overwhelming terrain of C-PTSD with Dr. Schwartz's knowledgeable guidance helping you find your way.

In The Complex PTSD Workbook you'll learn all about C-PTSD and gain valuable insight into the types of symptoms associated with unresolved childhood trauma while applying a strength-based perspective to integrate positive beliefs and behaviours.

Examples and exercises through which you'll discover your own instances of trauma through relating to PTSD experiences other than your own such as the following:

* Information about common PTSD misdiagnoses such as bipolar disorder ADHD anxiety disorders major depressive disorder and substance abuse among others.

* Explorations of common methods of PTSD therapy including somatic therapy EMDR CBT DBT and mind-body perspectives.

* Chapter takeaways that encourage thoughtful consideration and writing to explore how you feel as you review the material presented in relation to your PTSD symptoms.

The Complex PTSD Workbook aims to empower you with a thorough understanding of the psychology and physiology of C-PTSD so you can make informed choices about the path to healing that is right for you and discover a life of wellness free of C-PTSD that used to seem just out of reach.


  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : JUL 2, 2020
  • Imprint : Sheldon Press
  • Page Extent : 192
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781529312133
  • Price : INR 1,050

Arielle Schwartz

ARIELLE SCHWARTZ PHD is a licensed clinical psychologist EMDR therapy consultant and certified yoga instructor with a private practice in Boulder Colorado. She earned her masters in somatic psychology through Naropa University and her doctorate in clinical psychology at Fielding Graduate University. Her strength-based approach to psychotherapy is called Resilience Informed Therapy which integrates a mind-body approach to healing. She is a core teacher with the Maiberger Institute offering therapist trainings in EMDR therapy and somatic psychology. She specializes in PTSD complex PTSD grief and loss resilience in child development therapeutic yoga and healing chronic pain and illness. She believes all people deserve to be empowered by knowledge and is dedicated to offering informational mental health and wellness updates through her heartfelt community presentations social media presence and blog.

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