
The Book of Yoga Self-Practice

Rebecca Anderton-Davies

Too busy? Too stressed? Can't focus? But would you love to discover the power of regular practice?

This book is for you. The Book of Yoga Self-Practice is the ultimate guide for every aspiring yogi or dedicated student who wants to find the magic of an independent yoga self-practice - one that's simple practical captivating and attainable.

No need to travel to a class or struggle to find the exact type of teaching you need in any given moment. No need to follow a video or come up with the pre-planned sequence. No need to keep spending money on classes or subscriptions that never quite fit the bill. This step-by-step guide will show you how to overcome the challenges of starting continuing and progressing in a yoga self-practice. It combines heartfelt writing with beautiful clear design to provide 20 usable and unbelievably helpful tools that you can implement in your yoga practice today. Learn to practice anywhere at anytime not just do poses. Fast slow short long - your flow starts here. Start reaping the incredible rewards for your body and mind.


  • Classification : Health, Diet & Fitness
  • Pub Date : AUG 20, 2020
  • Imprint : Yellow Kite
  • Page Extent : 320
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781529349467
  • Price : INR 1,650

Rebecca Anderton-Davies

Rebecca Anderton-Davies is an investment banker, yoga practitioner and sometimes teacher, author, community builder, wife, and mother of two young sons, based in London. 15+ years into a successful career as a banker, first as a currency sales-trader and now as a relationship manager, she is a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs. While building her successful corporate career, she fell into yoga (literally getting hit by a truck and turning to it to heal), she has built two Instagram communities with a follower count of nearly 300k: her personal account where she shares her unique combination of yoga, career and family life, and her yoga community account. She published her first book - The Book of Yoga Self Practice - with Yellow Kite in 2020.

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