
50 Biology Ideas You Really Need to Know

JV Chamary

Master the biology ideas that shape our living world.

In a series of 50 accessible essays, JV Chamary introduces and explains the fundamental processes, ideas and theories that are vital to life on Earth.

From the mysteries of sex and sleep to mass extinction and immunity, 50 Biology Ideas You Really Need to Know is a complete introduction to the most important biology concepts
in history.

Contents include: Evolution, Genes, Homeostasis, Endosymbiosis, Sex, Multicellularity, Nerves, Genetic Drift, Speciation, Convergent Evolution, Pollination, Mimicry, Laws of Inheritance, DNA, Alternative Splicing, Viruses, Epigenetics, Photosynthesis, Cancer, Differentiation, Regeneration, Morphogenesis, Memory, Sleep, Ageing, Consciousness and the Gaia Hypothesis.

  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : JUN 6, 2024
  • Imprint : Greenfinch
  • Page Extent : 208
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781529438437
  • Price : INR 499

JV Chamary

Dr J.V. Chamary is a biologist and award-winning science journalist. He studied biology at Imperial College London and has a PhD in evolutionary genetics from the University of Bath. Keen to tell engaging stories about science, he switched from academia to journalism and spent five years at Focus, the BBC's popular science magazine, where he wrote articles on everything from gay genes and internet memes to the science of death and the origin of life.

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