
A Child's Introduction To The World

Heather Alexander

This latest volume in Black Dog's bestselling, award-winning series for kids explores the countries, terrains, and cultures of our fascinating planet Readers ages 9 to 12 will travel around the globe, from Greenland to Tasmania, learning the locations and characteristics of continents, countries, and states and provinces in this lively introduction to our world. Starting with the basics?hemispheres, latitude and longitude, continental drift, map notation, landforms, population density, and more?the book gives kids a solid foundation to begin exploring world geography. Each section profiles a different continent, including climates and biomes (tundra, grasslands, etc.), mountain ranges and bodies of water, people and cultures, governments and industries, wildlife, and much more. And sidebars throughout offer biographies of explorers, fun facts, and projects kids can do with parents or on their own.   The book also includes a pop-up paper globe and reusable stickers.With 150 charming, original watercolor illustrations, A Child's Introduction to the World is an entertaining and comprehensive overview of our fascinating planet.

  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : MAY 26, 2010
  • Imprint : Black Dog & Leventhal
  • Page Extent : 96
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781579128326
  • Price : INR 1,540

Heather Alexander

Heather Alexander has written numerous books for children and young adults including previous titles in this series A Child's Introduction to the World A Child's Introduction to Greek Mythology and A Child's Introduction to Art. She is a former book editor living in Los Angeles CA.

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