
Overcoming Body Hatred Workbook

Kathryn C. Holt

Powerful skills to help you make peace with your body and nurture a deeper, more meaningful sense of self.Do you hate your body? Are you deeply dissatisfied with your appearance, shape, or weight—so much so that you avoid looking at yourself in the mirror, avoid certain social situations, or dread having your photo taken? If so, you are not alone. Body dissatisfaction and even body hatred have reached epidemic levels in our culture—particularly for women and girls. But you don’t have to live your life consumed by feelings of shame and self-hatred. This workbook offers a way out of the darkness.Grounded in evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and depth psychology, this workbook offers a two-pronged approach for healing from negative body image, so you can literally feel more comfortable in your own skin. You’ll find powerful skills to help you cope with the stress and intense emotions caused by body hatred, as well as strategies to help you nurture a deeper sense of self-worth.With this workbook, you’ll learn to move past your physical body to focus on: ·Identifying your values and your life’s purpose ·Finding your voice and using it to set boundaries—with yourself and others ·Managing life stress in healthy ways ·Changing how you respond to toxic cultural messages about appearance ·Cultivating an embodied presence in the moment The psychological and emotional toll of body hatred is immense. If you’re ready to heal the stress and pain of feeling “not okay” in your body, this workbook can help you make peace with your physical appearance and feel whole as a person.

  • Classification : Self-Help
  • Pub Date : MAY 2, 2024
  • Imprint : New Harbinger
  • Page Extent : 176
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781648482076
  • Price : INR 1,799

Kathryn C. Holt

Kathryn C. Holt, MSSW, LCSW, is a psychotherapist who accompanies people on the journey of reclaiming their hunger, desire, and permission to live fully in their bodies and lives. She writes about her journey and her psychospiritual approach to healing at Kathryn studied DBT at Columbia University in New York City, NY, and worked with teens, adults, and families using DBT prior to moving to Boulder, CO, where she now lives and practices. She is now pursuing her PhD in depth psychology, and offers individual therapy, groups, and retreats with the intention of reconnecting people with their power, wisdom, and purpose.

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