
Capturing the Moment

Michael Freeman

One of photography's true greats, Henri Cartier-Bresson, nailed photography perfectly when he coined the phrase 'the decisive moment'. So perfectly, in fact, that it has foiled all attempts to escape the single, crucial idea of what photography, and photography alone, can do.
Capturing the Moment deals with the unique power of photography to capture slices of time and life. What it is not is a book about shutter speed. It is about gesture, expression, things just touching and others about to happen a kiss, a ball in the net, an expression of delight, a glass about to shatter in pieces on the floor. Moment in all its forms is the true core of photography, and Michael Freeman will explain how to anticipate it, recognise it, choose it, and so capture it.

  • Classification : Photography
  • Pub Date : OCT 20, 2014
  • Imprint : Ilex Press
  • Page Extent : 208
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781781579763
  • Price : INR 1,599

Michael Freeman

Michael Freeman, professional photographer and best-selling author, was born in England in 1945, took a Masters in Geography at Brasenose College, Oxford University, and then worked in advertising in London for six years. In 1971 he made the life-changing decision to travel up the Amazon with two secondhand cameras, and when Time-Life used many of the pictures he came back with, he embarked on a full-time photographic career. Since then, working for clients that include all the world's major magazines, most notably the Smithsonian Magazine (for which he has shot more than 40 stories over 30 years), Freeman's reputation as one of the world's leading reportage photographers has been consolidated. Of his many books, which have sold over 4 million copies worldwide, more than 60 titles are on the practice of photography. For this photographic educational work he was awarded the Prix Louis Philippe Clerc by the French Ministry of Culture. Freeman's books on photography have been translated into 27 languages.

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