
101 Things for Kids To Do Outside

Dawn Isaac

'I'm bored' must be the most frightening words in a child's vocabulary, and how to keep kids entertained is something that keeps many of us awake at night. 101 Things to do Outside is packed with games, projects, crafts, experiments and gardening inspiration that will have your child racing out to try something new. The huge selection of ideas covers all four seasons and ranges from quick 10-minute activities to a full day of fun. From party games and treasure hunts to simple gardening projects, each idea is simple to follow and illustrated with diagrams, so you can't go wrong! Activities include Building a Human Sundial, Creating an Outdoor Collage, Setting up a Wormery and Planting a Potato Tower. This hands-on guide will help your child get the most from being outdoors, and you don't need a big garden - a local park or small area will suffice. All 101 ideas are sure to get the kids away from the computer and provide hours of entertainment for the entire family. The activities are written with children aged 5+ years in mind but it's your call as to how much help, support and age-appropriate supervision they might need ... make whatever adjustments are necessary.

  • Classification : Activity Book
  • Pub Date : APR 10, 2025
  • Imprint : Kyle Books
  • Page Extent : 224
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781804192962
  • Price : INR 1,199

Dawn Isaac

Dawn Isaac is an award-winning garden designer, blogger and the mother of three children. Dawn writes on garden design for the Guardian, the Telegraph, Good Housekeeping and The Garden, and has run Family Garden Design courses in association with Mumsnet Academy. She is the author of 101 Things For Kids To Do Outside, 101 Things for Kids to do on a Rainy Day and 101 Brilliant Things for Kids to do With Science, also published by Kyle Books.

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