
Avoiding Burnout at Work

Dr Richard Duggins

Are you keen to banish burnout for good? Burnout-Free Working is written by Dr Richard Duggins - a leading expert and trainer on preventing burnout in high stress jobs, also known as 'The Doctor's Doctor'. In this book he reveals the secrets of his trade for the first time. With a wealth of proven tools for burnout-free working, Dr Duggins covers all you need to know, including: - Spotting early signs of burnout - Steering clear of 'the burnout cliff' - Tackling 'Keep calm and carry on' culture - Detoxifying workplace environments - Dealing with trauma at work - Moving from Stress to Decompress - Strategies to support colleagues Dr Duggins breaks down common burnout myths (it's really not about building resilience!) and encourages us all to shift our thinking away from burnout recovery, to instead living and working in a way that avoids burnout before you even get close.

  • Classification : Health, Diet & Fitness
  • Pub Date : APR 21, 2025
  • Imprint : John Murray Learning
  • Page Extent : 224
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781805012467
  • Price : INR 1,199

Dr Richard Duggins

Richard Duggins is a specialist NHS Consultant Psychiatrist and Consultant Psychotherapist supporting people with their mental health and wellbeing at work. An international expert in the field, he is nicknamed 'The Doctors' Doctor' because doctors go to him when they are struggling. He is Clinical Lead for a Health and Social Care Staff Wellbeing Hub, an NHS wellbeing service for all health and social care professionals. He lives in Northumberland, England.

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