
Complete Taping Handbook:Biomechanical, Sports Rigid Taping And K-Taping For Manual Therapists

Ben Calvert-Painter

Tim Allardyce

This is the first book to cover all three types of taping: sports rigid tape, k-tape, and biomechanical tape. Taping can be used as an excellent companion to standard treatments and within sport. Each tape has its own unique function and action that can aid patients at different stages of recovery. The Complete Taping Handbook is a practical, clear guide to understanding taping, its benefits, best practice, and how to use particular types. It's an essential resource for manual therapists, including physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, sports therapists, and students. Use this pioneering text to elevate your practice and unveil the intricacies of taping.

  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : DEC 19, 2024
  • Imprint : Handspring Publishing
  • Page Extent : 176
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781805012733
  • Price : INR 5,250

Ben Calvert-Painter

Ben Calvert-Painter is an UK Osteopath and Head Presenter with CPD Today. He was co-author of the Gyer book on the Handspring list - Spine and Joint Articulation for Manual Therapists. Ben has been running strapping and taping courses for many years with CPD Today and the course is currently open to all types of manual therapists. He is the first aid champion for Upminster Rugby club and pitch side support. Additional to this he has worked with American Football, semi-professional/professional football and rugby teams being responsible for taping and strapping players. He is also helping Gripit run courses in Europe (Italy, Spain and Germany). He lives in Essex. Tim Allardyce is Clinical Director of Surrey Physio Group. He works closely with British Athletics and has supported athletes at multiple events including multiple Olympic, World and Commonwealth games. He lives in Beckenham.


Tim Allardyce

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