
Female Profile of Autism

Isabelle Hénault

Annyck Martin

Autism in women and girls is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. This comprehensive guide offers a clinical definition and clinical criteria for Autism as well as case studies illustrating the autistic female experience. Written for professionals and autistic women alike, the female profile of autism is demystified and associated subjects including sexuality, relationships, professional life and routes to diagnosis are explored including a lived-experience case study by Annyck Martin. In addition, an assessment questionnaire is provided, tailored specifically to the diagnosis of autism in women. Each question is supported by clinical commentary from Autism experts Tony Attwood, Isabelle Henault, Valentina Pasin and Bruno Wicker to help the reader interpret answers and reach informed conclusions. By providing extensive oversight of the characteristics common to autism in women, this comprehensive book sets itself out as an essential tool for both self and clinical diagnosis.

  • Classification : Popular Psychology
  • Pub Date : APR 21, 2025
  • Imprint : John Murray Learning
  • Page Extent : 192
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781839978289
  • Price : INR 1,850

Isabelle Hénault

Isabelle Hénault has a masters degree in sexology and a doctorate of psychology from the University of Quebec,Montreal. She has a private practice that provides assessment and therapy for individuals, couples and families, and acts as a consultant to a variety of organizations and schools. Her expertise lies in Autism and Asperger's Syndrome, with a special emphasis on sexuality. Tony Attwood, PhD, is a clinical psychologist from Brisbane, Australia, with over 50 years of experience with individuals with autism spectrum disorders. He is currently Adjunct Professor at Griffith University in Queensland. Annyck Martin holds a Master's degree in creative writing and a Bachelor's degree in arts and is pursuing a doctorate degree in arts studies and practices at the University of Quebec in Montréal. She is involved in various activities aimed at raising awareness of the female Asperger profile, of social and professional inclusion and of the value of atypical backgrounds. Valentina Pasin is a neuropsychologist and Bruno Wicker is a neuroscientist. They both work in the autism field.


Annyck Martin

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