
Spell It Out

David Crystal

Why is there an 'h' in ghost? William Caxton, inventor of the printing press and his Flemish employees are to blame: without a dictionary or style guide to hand in fifteenth century Bruges, the typesetters simply spelled it the way it sounded to their foreign ears, and it stuck. Seventy-five per cent of English spelling is regular but twenty-five per cent is complicated, and in Spell It Out our foremost linguistics expert David Crystal extends a helping hand to the confused and curious alike.

He unearths the stories behind the rogue words that confound us, and explains why these peculiarities entered the mainstream, in an epic journey taking in sixth century monks, French and Latin upstarts, the Industrial Revolution and the internet. By learning the history and the principles, Crystal shows how the spellings that break all the rules become easier to get right.

  • Classification : Language
  • Pub Date : SEP 19, 2013
  • Imprint : Profile Books
  • Page Extent : 336
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781846685682
  • Price : INR 650

David Crystal

David Crystal is Honorary Professor of Linguistics at the University of Wales Bangor. His many books range from clinical linguistics to the liturgy and Shakespeare. He is the author of The Story of English in 100 Words Spell It Out: The Singular History of English Spelling and Making a Point: The Pernickety History of English Punctuation all published by Profile. His Stories of English is a Penguin Classic.

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