
Autism and Asperger Syndrome in Childhood

Luke Beardon

"If every parent receiving a diagnosis of autism for their child could read this book, it would avoid so much misunderstanding and unhappiness." - Dr Clare Lawrence

A diagnosis - or a suspected diagnosis - of autism or Asperger Syndrome in a child can be overwhelming for a parent, especially if you know nothing, or very little, about either of them.

Dr Luke Beardon is a well-known expert in the field, and this book is an accessible, easy-to-read introduction for those encountering autism for the first time. Gently and honestly, it guides you through the issues you might encounter, busting the myths around autism and Asperger Syndrome, and explaining what the diagnosis means for your child, for you, and for your wider family. It looks at sensory profiles, helps you handle your child's anxiety, tackles education, and answers a variety of frequently asked questions.

Other topics covered by this sensitive and empowering book include how to have conversations with your child (the 'autistic voice'), how to manage your child's education and - importantly - the undeniable strengths of autism.

As an introduction to - and a celebration of - the intriguing, beguiling, frustrating and remarkable world of autism, this book will help you understand your child's unique value and importance in the world.


  • Classification : Psychology
  • Pub Date : JUL 25, 2019
  • Imprint : Sheldon Press
  • Page Extent : 144
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781847094926
  • Price : INR 599

Luke Beardon

Dr Luke Beardon is Senior Lecturer in Autism at Sheffield Hallam University. He has published widely on autism and is renowned and respected for his uniquely inclusive, celebratory approach to helping autistic people thrive in a neurotypical world. He works with government authorities to develop services and model best practice, in addition to being part of a research team, and has spoken at many national and international conferences on a variety of autism-related topics. He has won several awards for his work, including the National Autistic Society's Autism Professionals Award for achievement in 2016, and has won the Autism Hero Awards in two categories, including for Lifetime Achievement.

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