
50 Genetics Ideas You Really Need to Know

Mark Henderson

In recent years knowledge of our genetic code has changed our understanding of life on Earth. New genetic technologies are transforming the way we live and promise treatments for otherwise incurable diseases. But these advances are also generating controversy, particularly surrounding issues such as cloning and designer babies.
In 50 Genetics Ideas, Mark Henderson distils the central ideas of genetics in a series of clear and concise essays. Beginning with the theory of evolution, and covering such topics as the genome and how nature and nurture work together, he not only illuminates the role of genes in shaping our behaviour and sexuality, but also the very latest, cutting-edge developments in gene therapy and artificial life. Accessible and informative, 50 Genetics Ideas is a timely introduction to this young and ground-breaking strand of science.

  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : JUN 8, 2009
  • Imprint : Quercus
  • Page Extent : 208
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781847246714
  • Price : INR 699

Mark Henderson

Mark Henderson is Director of Corporate Affairs at Wellcome Trust, a global charitable foundation whose mission is to tackle some of the most urgent health challenges we all face today through high-quality scientific research. Before that, he had a 15-year career in journalism at The Times, where he was Science Editor and won several awards for his reporting.

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