
The Little Book of Ayurveda

Iggie Glebe

A beginner's guide to Ayurveda, the ancient system of self-healing.

Originating in India more than 5,000 years ago, Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest healing systems. These ancient principles teach you that everyone is unique and there is no "one size fits all" solution - each individual is made up of a unique combination of three main doshas, or energies, which give them their unique physiology and psychology.

The preventative and long-lasting health benefits of Ayurvedic self-healing include improved gut health, sleep, diet, stress management and many more.

This little book is the perfect introduction to Ayurveda - with guidance for improving both your physical and mental health, as well as simple exercises to help introduce this ancient wisdom into your daily life.

Chapter 1: Dosha
Chapter 2: Change
Chapter 3: Cleanse
Chapter 4: Nourish, Move, Glow
Chapter 5: Breathe, Meditate, Rest

  • Classification : Health, Diet & Fitness
  • Pub Date : JAN 7, 2021
  • Imprint : Gaia
  • Page Extent : 96
  • Binding : FLEXI
  • ISBN : 9781856754408
  • Price : INR 499

Iggie Glebe

Iggie Glebe is a holistic therapist who lives and works in London with her life partner their three children two cats two guinea pigs and a puppy. She works with her clients on restoring balance wellness and good health. In her spare time she enjoys rowing wild swimming and horses.

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