
Principles And Practice of Yoga For Children And Adolescents

Catherine Cook-Cottone

Shirley Telles

Sat Bir Singh Khalsa

The Principles and Practice of Yoga for Children and Adolescents consists of contributions by expert scientists who have conducted and published research on yoga in children and adolescents for a variety of conditions and populations in peer-reviewed biomedical journals. Each chapter describes the rationale for yoga in the population or condition studied, reviews relevant related research literature, describes their body of research studies and its contribution, and concludes with a discussion on the state of the field. To inform readers on the intricacies of the practical application of yoga, each chapter concludes with a description of the yoga intervention used, the development process that led them to that treatment protocol, and the practical/clinical reasons for choices of the specific practices.

  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : DEC 19, 2024
  • Imprint : Jessica Kingsley Publishers
  • Page Extent : 224
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781913426026
  • Price : INR 2,450

Catherine Cook-Cottone


Shirley Telles


Sat Bir Singh Khalsa

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