
Monsieur Lecoq

Emile Gaboriau

The Lecoq prequel

A famous roman policier featuring detective M. Lecoq, the basis for a silent film made in 1914. Gaboriau's twelfth book and the fifth novel in which Lecoq appears "is today often considered his best and most readable book. 

Within the first few pages a triple murder is committed, at Mother Chupin's sleazy drinking dive, Lecoq's superior, Gevrol, is of the opinion that it was the result of a mere brawl among low-class drunkards. But Lecoq thinks otherwise. And surprisingly, the murderer is captured. The question is this: who is the prisoner? Without an identification, he can't be charged with the crime. The rest is a battle of wits between the deductive LeCoq and his mysterious prisoner.

  • Classification : Classic Crime & Adventure/Thrillers
  • Pub Date : JUN 20, 2023
  • Imprint : YELLOWBACK
  • Page Extent : 324
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9789357311205
  • Price : INR 499

Emile Gaboriau

Émile Gaboriau (18321873) was a French writer, novelist, journalist, and a pioneer of detective fiction. Gaboriau was born in the small town of Saujon, Charente-Maritime. He was the son of Charles Gabriel Gaboriau, a public official and his mother was Marguerite Stéphanie Gaboriau. Gaboriau became a secretary to Paul Féval, and after publishing some novels and miscellaneous writings, found his real gift in L'Affaire Lerouge. He is probably best known for his stories involving a young police officer named Monsieur Lecoq, whose character was based on a real-life thief turned police officer, Eugène François Vidocq (17751857).

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