
The Art of X-Ray Reading

Roy Peter Clark

Where do writers learn their best moves? They use a technique that Roy Peter Clark calls X-ray reading, a form of reading that lets you penetrate beyond the surface of a text to see how meaning is actually being made. In THE ART OF X-RAY READING, Clark invites you to don your X-ray reading glasses and join him on a guided tour through some of the most exquisite and masterful literary works of all time, from The Great Gatsby to Lolita to The Bluest Eye, and many more. Along the way, he shows you how to mine these masterpieces for invaluable writing strategies that you can add to your aresenal and apply in your own writing. Once you've experienced X-ray reading, your writing will never be the same again.

  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : JAN 15, 2017
  • Imprint : Little, Brown
  • Page Extent : 336
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780316282147
  • Price : INR 1,299

Roy Peter Clark

Roy Peter Clark is senior scholar at the Poynter Institute one of the most prestigious schools for journalists in the world. He has taught writing at every level -- from schoolchildren to Pulitzer Prize-winning authors -- for more than forty years.
A writer who teaches and a teacher who writes he has authored or edited nineteen books on writing and journalism including The Art of X-Ray Reading How to Write Short Writing Tools The Glamour of Grammar and Help! for Writers. He lives in St. Petersburg Florida where he is considered a garage-band legend.

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