
Doctor Whom

Adam Roberts

Doctor Whom, the grammatically correct TimeLord (or should that be Time Lord? Or is it Timelord?) has come to save our universe from the terror's of sloppy syntax and bad grammar. With his intrepid assistant Lynne: hes here to correct greengrocers sign's, popular fiction and government memos (memoes?) before inaccurate and lazy communication rips apart the very fabric of the space time continuum.

Is it any wonder that the rise of global warming has coincided with the decline in the teaching of Latin in our schools? I do'nt think so.

Will the Doctor save us all? or will his evil nemisises (nemisiss? nemisi?) The Dalek's triumph and rule over a universe where no-one has any clear idea of the correct usage of semi-colons?

  • Classification : Humour
  • Pub Date : JAN 1, 2007
  • Imprint : Gollancz
  • Page Extent : 176
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780575079687
  • Price : INR 520

Adam Roberts

Adam Roberts is commonly described as one of the UK's most important writers of SF. He is the author of numerous novels and literary parodies. He is Professor of 19th Century Literature at Royal Holloway, London University and has written a number of critical works on both SF and 19th Century poetry. He is a contributor to the SF ENCYCLOPEDIA.

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