
Super-Fast Prime-Time Ultimate Nation

Adam Roberts

Today, India stands on the threshold of global dominance. And as it faces the road ahead, attention focuses on one man: its Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. A controversial figure in his own country and abroad, he has garnered unprecedented political support while facing criticism for his nationalism, his record in government and his economic policies. As it seeks to control its relationships with China and Pakistan, to revitalize its economy and improve the health and education prospects of its citizens, the key to understanding its future may lie in understanding its leader. Here, Adam Roberts, formerly South Asia bureau chief for the Economist, builds up an unflinching portrayal of the man at India's helm, the country's enormous potential - and its equally vast challenges. Drawing on years of on-the-ground research, and interviews with everyone from wayside fortune-tellers to Modi himself, Superfast Primetime Ultimate Nation is essential reading for anyone who wants to know what the future holds for the world's greatest nation.

  • Classification : Politics & Current Affairs
  • Pub Date : MAY 29, 2017
  • Imprint : Profile Books
  • Page Extent : 336
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781781256459
  • Price : INR 599

Adam Roberts

Adam Roberts is commonly described as one of the UK's most important writers of SF. He is the author of numerous novels and literary parodies. He is Professor of 19th Century Literature at Royal Holloway, London University and has written a number of critical works on both SF and 19th Century poetry. He is a contributor to the SF ENCYCLOPEDIA.

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