
Top 10 of Everything 2016

Paul Terry

The most visually dynamic book of facts and figures around, Top 10 of Everything continues to amaze and inform. This new edition takes a fresh look at the universe, revealing jaw-dropping facts about machines, animals, sports, music, space, epic structures and more.

A range of visual features provide exciting ways for readers to engage with facts - including graphs and charts that explain data clearly and easily, and snapshot lists that break down details into boxouts.

Every page is packed full of colourful graphics, and by taking a comprehensive look at an incredible range of subjects, there's certain to be something to amuse and interest any reader.

  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : NOV 3, 2015
  • Imprint : Hamlyn
  • Page Extent : 320
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9780600631354
  • Price : INR 899

Paul Terry

Paul Terry is a non-fiction author who has worked with leading kids' brands including LEGO Disney The Simpsons Futurama and Stars Wars. He co-authored (with Tara Bennett) the official LOST Encyclopedia and Fringe: September's Notebook for Bad Robot. Paul is also a songwriter (recording under the moniker Cellarscape) and film composer. His film scores include Felicity Jones' 'Emily' and 13-time award-winning 'The Furred Man'. A huge film music and comic fan Paul's understanding of what children find fascinating meticulous research and his love of trivia make him the ideal man to inherit the legacy of Top 10's originator Russell Ash.

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