
Top 10 of Everything 2019

Paul Terry

Ever wanted to know the size of the biggest shark?

Ever thought where in the world the tallest rollercoaster is?

Or wondered astronaut has spent the most time in space?

If so, this is the book for you!

Top 10 of Everything 2019
is divided into genres including Animal Kingdom, Sport, Forces of Nature, Video Games and Mechanical Creations, and includes lists, charts and tables to break down the details of each amazing fact.

Packed full of photographs, charts, graphs and incredible information, this is the perfect book for anyone with a curious mind and an insatiable appetite for facts, stats and trivia.

Loved by kids and adults alike, it's the perfect stocking filler for this Christmas!

  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : SEP 27, 2018
  • Imprint : Hamlyn
  • Page Extent : 304
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9780600635482
  • Price : INR 899

Paul Terry

Paul Terry is a non-fiction author who has worked with leading kids' brands including LEGO Disney The Simpsons Futurama and Stars Wars. He co-authored (with Tara Bennett) the official LOST Encyclopedia and Fringe: September's Notebook for Bad Robot. Paul is also a songwriter (recording under the moniker Cellarscape) and film composer. His film scores include Felicity Jones' 'Emily' and 13-time award-winning 'The Furred Man'. A huge film music and comic fan Paul's understanding of what children find fascinating meticulous research and his love of trivia make him the ideal man to inherit the legacy of Top 10's originator Russell Ash.

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