
The Little Book of Crystal Magic

Sarah Bartlett

Open your heart and mind to the divine magic of crystals

For thousands of years across cultures civilisations and traditions crystals have been cherished for their magical uses. From rose quartz to obsidian topaz to amber - and even the most unassuming of seaside pebbles - the stones that we find in the natural world vibrate with potent energy.

This little book will act as your all-encompassing guide to understanding the magic and mystique of sacred stones and how they can enhance all aspects of your life.

By practising the unique crystal-focused spells blessings and rituals contained within these pages you can harness the innate power of crystals to take your spiritual practice to the next level.


  • Classification : New Age & Mbs
  • Pub Date : JUL 7, 2022
  • Imprint : Piatkus
  • Page Extent : 288
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9780349430379
  • Price : INR 750

Sarah Bartlett

Sarah Bartlett (D.Psych Astrol) is the author of international best-selling books including The Tarot Bible, The Little Book of Practical Magic, The Witch's Spellbook and National Geographic's Guide to Supernatural Places. Contributing astrologer to media such as Cosmopolitan, She, Spirit & Destiny, the London Evening Standard and BBC Radio 2, Sarah practices tarot, natural magic, astrology and other esoteric arts.

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