
8 Ways to Tell Your Fortune

Sarah Bartlett

Have you ever wanted to know your future? Or wanted help making an important decision? If so, 8Ways to Tell Your Fortune is exactly what you need. This book introduces you to eight divination techniques, including Tarot, palmistry, aura reading and the I Ching and shows how each one can help you access your intuition,make the right decision and reveal your destiny. Featuring simple step-by-step instructions, clear interpretation grids and easy-toread summary boxes, you will come to understand these ancient practices from around the world and gain insight into your career, health and personality.

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  • Classification : New Age & Mbs
  • Pub Date : OCT 10, 2012
  • Imprint : Bounty Books
  • Page Extent : 176
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780753723517
  • Price : INR 495

Sarah Bartlett

Sarah Bartlett (D.Psych Astrol) is the author of international best-selling books including The Tarot Bible, The Little Book of Practical Magic, The Witch's Spellbook and National Geographic's Guide to Supernatural Places. Contributing astrologer to media such as Cosmopolitan, She, Spirit & Destiny, the London Evening Standard and BBC Radio 2, Sarah practices tarot, natural magic, astrology and other esoteric arts.

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