
Ready!: 99 Must-Have Skills For The World-Conquering Teenager (And Almost-Teenager)

Roopa Pai

All you need to do is crack the 99 fundamental – and fun – life skills outlined in this book, and win all the 24 Merit Badges and 4 Shields inside. The best part? You compete only with yourself!

By the time you’re through, you will own skills as diverse as growing your own veggies in a Square Foot Garden to petitioning for change in your community, making a cup of chai to setting up a sickroom, launching your own business to telling time by the position of the moon!

Written by bestselling author Roopa Pai in her unmatchable style, this book packs in 99 simple but vital techniques that will enable you to be a hero to yourself – and a role model to your peers.

Are. You. READY!? 

  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : JUL 15, 2017
  • Imprint : Hachette India Children's Books
  • Page Extent : 336
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9789351951315
  • Price : INR 599

Roopa Pai

Roopa Pai is a third-generation Bangalorean who has carried on a very public love affair with her city for as long as she can remember. This computer engineer is also one of India's best-known children's writers, whose many bestselling books are enjoyed as much by adults as by children.

For over 20 years now, she has also been leading children and adults on heritage walks around her beloved city and state, as part of her work with BangaloreWalks, a company she co-founded. She has recently translated 100 poems of the celebrated Kannada poet K.S. Nisar Ahmed into English; the collection will soon be published as a book.

Roopa refers to her city as Bangalore when she is speaking English and Bengaluru when she is speaking Kannada (and absolutely detests people calling it 'Luru'). She is happy calling herself a Bangalorean or Bengalurean, however, in every language.

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