
The Yoga Sutras for Children

Roopa Pai

What are the Yoga Sutras? Instructions for bearded rishis who lived in the forests of ancient India? Or the complete manual of asanas?

Neither! In fact, the text may well have been called ‘Maharishi P’s Ultimate Handbook of Mind Control’, for it is really a set of techniques to help us – all of us – awaken and harness the explosive power of our minds, through our actions, our attitudes and our awareness.

And not through asanas? That too, but not in the way you imagined it.

In this surprising, sparkling book, Roopa Pai unravels the secrets of Patanjali’s compact 2,000-year-old text in ways both fun and accessible. Walk down the well-marked paths into a dazzling world where a whole new version of yourself – self-assured, fearless and free – awaits you.

Go on, then – what are you waiting for?

  • Classification : Classics
  • Pub Date : JUN 27, 2023
  • Imprint : Hachette India Children's Books
  • Page Extent : 312
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9789357311953
  • Price : INR 399

Roopa Pai

Roopa Pai is a third-generation Bangalorean who has carried on a very public love affair with her city for as long as she can remember. This computer engineer is also one of India's best-known children's writers, whose many bestselling books are enjoyed as much by adults as by children.

For over 20 years now, she has also been leading children and adults on heritage walks around her beloved city and state, as part of her work with BangaloreWalks, a company she co-founded. She has recently translated 100 poems of the celebrated Kannada poet K.S. Nisar Ahmed into English; the collection will soon be published as a book.

Roopa refers to her city as Bangalore when she is speaking English and Bengaluru when she is speaking Kannada (and absolutely detests people calling it 'Luru'). She is happy calling herself a Bangalorean or Bengalurean, however, in every language.

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