
On the Street

Honor Head

Most kids have pretty good instincts and stay safe on the streets. But even the most street-smart kid could benefit from reading this book. There may be dangers out there that you may not even have thought of! From cycling and skateboarding safely to awareness around dogs strangers building sites and public transport these are just some of the things you should be aware of when you are out and about but the book covers a lot more besides. This book will help you stay safe because it is full of advice on what to do if you think you are in danger and also how to avoid or minimise danger in the first place. An essential guide for any child. Full of sensible and relevant information for modern kids.

Keeping Safe is a series of four books aimed at children aged 9+ dealing with the hot topics on staying safe in the modern world.


  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : SEP 11, 2014
  • Imprint : Franklin Watts
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781445132488
  • Price : INR 799

Honor Head

After a few false starts with a model agency and an accountant's, Honor Head's career as a children's writer and editor began when she joined a small publisher producing comics featuring children's television characters. The light bulb clicked on - Honor discovered she loved editing and writing for children - and has been burning brightly ever since. She has now published over 100 books for children on subjects as diverse as kitten care, famous outlaws, ghastly ghosts and totally awesome trucks as well as creating pop-ups, pull-outs and sticker books, and has edited many, many more. Honor now lives beside the seaside in Devon where she has fun helping out at the local museums organising family and school activities - a great way to meet her readers! On sunny days she heads for her favourite seaside café to eat cheese toasties and watch the dogs playing on the beach.

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