
A New Home in Space

Damian Harvey

Theo has moved school before but never to a space station! He is worried about how he will fit into a place where everything is so different. Join him as he makes new friends despite all his fears.

Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.

Fantastic original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability encouraging reading for pleasure.

The Key Stage 2 Reading Champion Books are suggested for use as follows:
Independent Reading 11: start of Year 3 or age 7+
Independent Reading 12: end of Year 3 or age 7+
Independent Reading 13: start of Year 4 or age 8+
Independent Reading 14: end of Year 4 or age 8+
Independent Reading 15: start of Year 5 or age 9+
Independent Reading 16: end of Year 5 or age 9+
Independent Reading 17: start of Year 6 or age 10+
Independent Reading 18: end of Year 6 or age 10+


  • Classification : Graded Readers
  • Pub Date : NOV 8, 2018
  • Imprint : Franklin Watts
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781445163277
  • Price : INR 599

Damian Harvey

Damian Harvey (Author) Damian Harvey lives in North Wales with his lovely wife, Vicky. He has three wonderful daughters, one brilliant boy and a cat called Polly. He has written more than 130 books for primary school aged children and is busy writing more. When he isn't writing, Damian loves visiting schools, libraries, bookshops, festivals and anywhere that will have him, where he shares stories, talks about writing and gets people excited about books and reading. You can find out more about Damian by visiting and follow him on Twitter @damianjharvey Esther Hernando (Illustrator) Esther Hernando is a self-taught Spanish illustrator. She has been drawing and painting since she first picked up a pencil. From that moment, she has been passionate about telling stories and transmitting emotions with her illustrations. When she is not drawing, she likes to read comics, watch movies and spend time with her family.

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