
The Power Of Shape

Ron Klinger

Average players tend to focus on point count for their bidding decisions, but the expert recognises that the shape of the hand also plays a vital role. Knowing the implications of shape will help you find the best contract more often. The book not only reveals how to use hand patterns to winning effect, but also how to incorporate the ideas of shape in your bidding system.

The power of shape is not limited to the bidding. Successful play or defence is often linked to a knowledge of the pattern of the opponents' hands. The second part of this book will show you how to discover and make use of this invaluable information.

Follow the recommendations in this exciting and original book and your partnership will be in great shape!

  • Classification : Sports & Leisure
  • Pub Date : JAN 1, 2007
  • Page Extent : 144
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780297844969
  • Price : INR 799

Ron Klinger

Ron Klinger is a leading bridge teacher with an international record as a player. He is an Australian Grand Master and a World Bridge Federation International Master.

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