
To Win At Bridge

Ron Klinger

The world of bridge has winners and also-rans. What would you rather be? Winning might not be everything, but it is much better than finishing second or third, and way ahead of being out of place.

This book examines the attributes and skills you need to be on the winner's dais more often, not only the personal qualities and psychological requirements, but also the methods you are using and the standard of card play required. TO WIN AT BRIDGE is a challenge full of tips and telling advice, which if followed will produce a positive lift to your game.

  • Classification : Sports & Leisure
  • Pub Date : JAN 1, 2007
  • Page Extent : 128
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780297853510
  • Price : INR 799

Ron Klinger

Ron Klinger is a leading bridge teacher with an international record as a player. He is an Australian Grand Master and a World Bridge Federation International Master.

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