
When to Bid, When to Pass

Ron Klinger

Many players bid too often and too much. It can be profitable to know when to keep your mouth shut.

From the opening bid to much later rounds of bidding, from uncontested sequences to highly competitive auctions, this book will provide the groundwork so that you will know when silence can be golden. Each chapter covers the principles that indicate when bidding is the right course, and then which call to choose, and when passing is the winning action.>

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  • Classification : Sports & Leisure
  • Pub Date : APR 15, 2012
  • Page Extent : 144
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780297867722
  • Price : INR 799

Ron Klinger

Ron Klinger is a leading bridge teacher with an international record as a player. He is an Australian Grand Master and a World Bridge Federation International Master.

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